Personal Data Collection and Handling

What do we collect, and why?

Core data

We collect some data on our members in order to be able to run the Club. The data we hold are:

All of this is required to run the club and to keep you informed of events — we need to know if you’re a NISA member as the affiliation fee (and so our insurance) is affected by the number of non-NISA members we have.

If you leave the Club, your contact details will be retained for one renewal cycle to allow us to offer you the chance to rejoin, unless you request otherwise when you leave.

Your email address will be retained for as long as you have an account on the members’ website (for access to event photography and similar media).

Your name, the fact that you have been a member, and your related notes will be retained indefinitely, to allow us to link a new membership application to any previous membership.

General data

You may also provide some additional data to help us run the club:

This information is used to keep us informed of our members and so help us to decide what events to organise. All of these items are optional. If you wish to remove or update any of these items during the membership year, please contact the Membership Secretary on

Attendance at events

To attend an event, members are required to provide some additional or restated details which may vary per event but are likely to include:

At the event, the Club may also take photographs and video of your participation, which may be provided only to you, or may also be used for Club promotional activities (depending on your consent level). Such material will be held unless you request that it be deleted, to allow you to access it in future. This applies even after you have left the Club. We reserve the right to delete old media after a reasonable period (which may be longer for current members), and after having attempted to contact you via your registered email address to warn you of this.

After the event, data will be securely deleted unless it relates specifically to recording that you attended the event (e.g. your name and photography consent level).

Interested non-members

We also allow people to express an interest in the club without becoming members, who may receive occasional emails about upcoming events. For such people, we hold:

If you wish to be removed from these lists, please contact the Membership Secretary on

Access to the members’ website

To help protect the members’ website from attacks and identify potentially malicious activity, we record the following information:

How is your information protected?

We restrict access to information on our members to the Committee. Only the Membership Secretary has access to all of this information — other Committee members have access to names and email addresses.

Information on event attendees is available to Committee members, and may also be made available to key on-the-day staff (such as coaches or first aiders) if required.

We do not pass your data to third parties for processing, other than for cloud storage.

Updating your details

Please contact the Membership Secretary if you need to:

You can contact the Membership Secretary by email to

Document revision history
